Many frequently asked questions are addressed on the FAQs page of this site. If you have trouble finding the answer you are looking for, please contact us and we'll do our best to help.  Michael will answer all your wheatgrass and sprout questions, FREE and within 24 hours!  Please, only 1-3 questions at a time.  Thanks!


*If possible, please email a photo of the problem you are having to help us solve your issue faster and remember, if you read it on the internet, so did we.

**Please allow 24 hours for a response. If you don't hear back from us within 24 hours, please email again. Be sure your email address is correct.  Thank you.

Here's how to get in touch with us: (sorry, email only)

wheatgrassking@yahoo.com   (Michael's personal email)

OR Fill out the form below: